Golden Farm grocery store is exactly the kind of bustling, family-owned small business that a community should be proud to support. However, since its opening in the late nineties the supermarket on Church Avenue in Brooklyn hasn’t paid minimum wage or overtime. That situation changed when workers, with the support of New York Communities for Change, filed a lawsuit on March 2011 to demand back wages and basic benefits like sick days, paid vacation and a contract that guarantees job security.
After months of organizing, on May 2, 2012 workers voted to form a union. However, the owner, Mr. Sonny Kim, still refuses to pay the back wages he owes to workers and to sign a contract that will give all workers basic benefits and continued protection on the job.
On Sunday, Feb. 10, a delegation of Kensington residents delivered dozens of pledge cards to Golden Farm. Sixty former customers, who together used to spend over $4,000 a week at the store, have pledged to return to shop when owner Sonny Kim signs a fair contract with Golden Farm workers and their union. The cards represent only a portion of the community members boycotting the store in support of the workers.
Although Sonny Kim wasn’t in the store, the delegation tried to give the cards to Sharon Kim, a manager of the store and Sonny’s wife. Kim refused to speak to the group, and denied any involvement with the store, but they were able to deliver their message: “Sign the contract, Sonny!” Golden Farm stands to regain a lot of business when workers finally have a fair contract.
Contract negotiations continue this week; learn more about the campaign, and take action!
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