It’s time to Flood, Occupy, Blockade and Shut Down the systems jeopardizing our future
Beginning today, our allies at Rising Tide North America are calling for mass actions in the Fall of 2015 to shut down the economic and political systems threatening our survival. Already, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets to fight back against climate chaos, capitalism and white supremacy.
This might be Rising Tide’s biggest effort yet. But to stop climate chaos, we need a phenomenal escalation in organizing, participation and tactical courage. We need a profound social transformation to uproot the institutions of capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, and white supremacy, the systems that created the climate crisis. It’s time to link arms with allies fighting for migrant justice, dignified work and pay, and an end to the criminalization and brutal policing of black and brown bodies.
We need to #FloodTheSystem
In the lead up to the United Nations climate talks in Paris this December, we are organizing to escalate local and regional resistance against the systems that threaten our collective survival. Together, we will open alternative paths to the failing negotiations of political elites.
This is not another protest. It is a call for a massive economic and political intervention. It is a call to build the relationships needed to sustain our struggles for the long haul. To build popular power along the intersections of race, class, gender and ability. To collectively unleash our power and change everything.
Join the Flood!
In struggle and solidarity