What: Nationwide vigil against the Keystone XL Pipeline, on the eve of release of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), written by reviewers hand-picked by big oil. The decision now rests with the President and Secretary of State John Kerry – let there be an outcry!
When: Monday, February 3rd, 6:00 pm
Where: Union Square, White Plains, and across the country
Before the weekend hit, two things happened at about the same time:
1. Three activists with the Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands (MI CATS) were found guilty of all charges stemming from protest against an Enbridge pipeline. Each of the Enbridge 3 - Vicci Hamlin, Lisa Leggio, and Barb Carter - faces 2-3 years in jail.
2. The State Department released its Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on Keystone XL, starting the official countdown to a final decision by President Obama on the pipeline. Written by reviewers bought and paid for by big oil, the report avoids taking a stand on the pipeline’s climate impacts - leaving the ball entirely in President Obama’s court. As always, he has all the evidence he needs to reject the pipeline.
As one outraged elected has argued, the process around FEIS "has featured multiple documented conflicts of interest, corporate failure to disclose relevant business ties, and a State Department more interested in greasing the skids than doing due diligence. We thought we’d seen the last of this in the George W. Bush era, when profits came before science and wealthy corporate interests called all the shots. When the State Department was looking for a company to write the SEIS, TransCanada recommended its own environmental contractor without disclosing its existing relationship to the administration or anyone else. That’s already well established. The question was what the State Department would do about it. The answer, apparently, is to release (the report) as though nothing had happened."
Come out in support of the Enbridge 3, against the tainted environmental impact assessment big oil's hand-picked reviewers of the pipeline!
We'll be singing some songs together. Prep yourself by singing along to these videos:
1. No KXL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM5LhK_wMzE or, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-ULfPCx_Lo
2. Digging us a hole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwmKJKtNE0c
3. Which side are you on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N43Cm6ra0hY
More info: NYC vigil - Union Square. Westchester vigil -- White Plains, NY. Or... Find an event near you. The night after the protest vigils, the climate change movement 350 will host an online video chat to lay some firm plans; click here to RSVP.