RedHack, Turkey’s number one hacker collective this week hacked into the website of the Turkey Electricity Transmission Company website. They then did something which will cheer a lot of Turkish citizens who owe large amounts to the Electricity department. They have claimed that they have deleted the pending bill of Turkish citizens amounting to Turkish Lira 1.5 trillion. This amounts to about 670,000 US Dollars at current market rate.
This is serious loss for the Turkish electricity distribution company if the claims made by the RedHack hackers are found to be true and the Turkish Electric Distribution company authorities do not have any backup to the website having the bill and liabilities details.
Who are RedHack
Redhack (Kızıl Hackerlar, Kızıl Hackerlar Birliği), are a Turkish hacker collective. They follow the Marxist–Leninist ideology and were founded in 1997. The RedHack has so far hacked several high profile Turkish websites like Council of Higher Education, Turkish police forces, the Turkish Army, Türk Telekom, and the National Intelligence Organization and many other websites.
Though not much is known about the RedHack collective it is said that the group’s core numbers are said to be 12 and its leader is said to be a hacker named MaNYaK. RedHack also hold the unique distinction of being the first and only hacker group which is accused of being a terrorist organization and is currently under the worlds most wanted 5 hacker groups.
This is a repost from Techworm.net