Issue #3 of the Project List is out! The OWS Project list is a bi-monthly listing of NYC-wide Occupy projects. With descriptions of each project and contact info, this is the perfect place to start if you have yet to find your Occu-niche. View the new Project List online here.
And speaking of projects – this is the 14th issue of Your Inbox: Occupied and we are looking for some new people to join our team. Whether you are already entrenched in Occupy projects or are looking for a way in, we would love to meet you this Friday. The newsletter crew will be getting together June 22nd at 5PM: 33 Flatbush, Brooklyn, near the 2/3/4/5 trains, Nevins St. subway stop. If you can’t make it this time around, shoot us an email at: newsletter (at) occupywallstreet (dot) net.
Occupy These Upcoming Events
Thursday, June 21st, 12:45pm
- Solidarity Event: Bank Error leads to Foreclosure of Minnesota activists’ home
- 340 Madison Avenue, PNC Bank NYC Headquarters
- Alejandra and David Cruz are two Two DREAM Act activists in Minneapolis who have spent years fighting for educational equality. In 2011 a bank error pushed their family’s home into foreclosure. PNC Bank acknowledged its mistake, but instead of fixing the situation, it has ordered five costly raids on the house, resulting in 23 arrests of neighbors and supporters from Occupy Homes Minneapolis. On Thursday, people from around the country will gather in more than a dozen cities for a Solidarity Action to demand that the Cruz family gets their home back and that banks stop displacing families in need for Wall Street's greed.
Thursday, June 21st, 6:00pm
- Occupy Catholics General Assembly on Freedoms
- St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 460 Madison Ave, NYC
- The US Catholic bishops have called a "Fortnight for Freedom" for the two weeks between June 21 and July 4. Occupy Catholics NYC has decided to answer that call by hosting an open-air General Assembly on Freedoms, on the steps of our cathedral, with the purpose of fostering an open community dialogue about what freedom means for us and for our faith.
Thursday, June 21st, 10:00pm
- A Midsummer Night’s Dance Party
- Big Snow Buffalo Lodge, 89 Varet St. Brooklyn, NY
- The OWS Bike Coalition is hosting a dance party! Prepare to ride, eat, drink, dance, and have a great time with friends, comrades, and midsummer woodland bike fairies. This event will moonlight as a (by donation) fundraiser and bike/part drive for OWSBC, so bring a (spare) bike!
Friday, June 22nd, 7:30pm
- Night of the Living Debt
- Washington Square Park
- Get ready for a zombie-walk for the the fourth weekly Casseroles event in NYC! This is the time for NYC students to rise from the DEBT, in a night of undead mischief. If they will not give us free education, we will be forced to eat brains. Bring your pots and pans and come zombified!
Saturday, June 23rd, 12:00pm
- Summer Disobedience School
- Columbus Circle
- Week 5: this week we'll explore some fun and mischievous invisible theatre tactics at a target that has a lot to answer for in environmental and social justice. Come on time for plus training and tactics role play! We'll leave promptly at 1pm and we may go "civilian"-- don't miss us!
Saturday, June 23rd, 12:00pm
- Occupy Long Island Unity Days
- Occupy Storefront @ 59 Railroad Ave Ronkonkoma
- We will be occupying the sidewalk in front of the storefront indefinitely, on saturdays. Occupy Storefront is an idea to build a hub for us to meet, discuss occupy events, coordinate rallies and marches on Long Island.
Saturday, June 23, 3:00pm-8:00pm
- June Assembly
- Join the Occupy Wall Street Community as they pick up the tools of Direct Democracy in the place where it all began: Liberty Plaza. To join the conversation and help shape the agenda, join the OWS Facilitation working group Thursday and Saturday at 6PM in Union Square.
Saturday, June 23rd, 6:00pm
- Community Discussion on the General Assembly
- Liberty Plaza
- Last week, we met to discuss where we felt things went wrong with the General Assembly and our consensus processes. This week, we're going to focus more on how to get there from here, moving from a large circle discussion about the problems we encountered and how the General Assembly and our other structures did not suit our needs or serve our purposes as we envisioned them, into breakout groups that will discuss individual aspects that need addressing in order to seek solutions to these problems and put meaningful changes into place.
Sunday, June 24th, 11:00am
- OccuPride 2012 NYC
- NYC Pride - Meet on 37th St between 5th and Madison by noon. March leaves at 1pm.
- Join Occupy Wall Street as we take the streets with the LGBT Community of NYC in the Annual Pride Parade. "Share the Love" is the Pride theme, and this is a solidarity march, so all LGBTQ related messages are welcome!.
Wednesday, June 27th, 8:00am
- Occupy The Citi
- Citigroup Building - One Court Square- Long Island City
- Occupy Astoria LIC invites everyone for a day of public outrage and education, with special guests, as we #OccupyTheCiti. Four years ago, Citigroup and the Wall Street banks crashed the world economy. We will gather, hold teach-ins, and speak truth to power.
Wednesday, June 27th, 6:30pm
- OWS Labor Alliance Forum on Closing of Post Offices & Firing of Postal Workers
- PSC Office at 61 Broadway, 16th Floor (you’ll need photo ID to get in)
- Join us for a program about how it is not the internet, not the recession, not private competition, but Congress that is killing the US postal service. Hear from Chuck Zlatkin, the Legislative and Political Director of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, APWU, AFL-CIO, about how we can fight the union busting!
Sunday, July 8th, 11:00am
- Occupy Town Square: Bushwick
- Maria Hernandez Park
- Occupy Bushwick & Occupy Town Square present a day of teach-ins, political discussion, food, music, and celebration! Come share your ideas and stories, learn about the movement, argue with us, collaborate with us.
Save the Date
Saturday, June 30th - Wednesday, July 4th
- National Gathering in Philly
- Independence Mall in Philadelphia
- Occupy movement activists and supporters from across the country will gather in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the first Occupy National Gathering. This event is the culmination of months of organizing and consensus-building by countless activists. It has been endorsed by Occupy General Assemblies from Wall Street to Sacramento, and Austin to Kalamazoo, providing a clear example of the movement’s disparate chapters collaborating on a massive scale. The main goals of the event are to strengthen our internal bonds, join together in direct actions, and engage in a transparent democratic process reflecting the values of the movement. We convene by conference call through InterOccupy every Tuesday at 9PM EST/6 PM PST.
This Week’s Featured Occu-Project
The Occupy Wall Street Bike Coalition mission is to get occupiers and activists fitted on bikes to sustain both our lifestyle and communities.
Bike Solidarity Tuesday is held weekly from 2-7pm, and Critical Mass is every Friday at 7pm. Mobile Bike Repair meets daily to ride around with our Mobile Repair Kit, helping out and teaching people how to fix and maintain a safe ride. The #OWSBC also is engaging in a social media campaign to express #WhyIRide, where you can send your reasons for riding to their tumblr, [email protected], or tweet @OWSBC.
The OWS Bike Coalition has also recently sent out an inaugural newsletter of their very own which you can read here, and sign up for here.
Connect. Collaborate. Contribute.
Daily #OccupyUnionSq Info Table
Every day Occupy Union Square has an info table open and staffed, acting as a hub to promote the constant flurry of events and meetings occurring in the park and across OWS. Click here to find out how you can help out with immediate needs of the Union Square occupiers to keep it running and growing.
For Text Message alerts on your cellphone about daily events, actions, and important information, sign up for the ComHub SMS blasts by texting @owscom to 23559.