Dear Supporter,
Yesterday elections were held, but unfortunately, there was no place to vote for a 'People's Bailout' like the ones the banks bought from their cronies in government.
Fortunately, we have a bailout by the people, for the people, coming up November 15th called the Rolling Jubilee. This is a project of the OWS affinity group Strike Debt where we buy debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, we abolish it.
We cannot buy specific individuals' debt - instead, we help liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. The Jubilee begins November 15 with a variety show and telethon in NYC. All proceeds will go directly to buying people's debt and cancelling it.
The banks got bailed out. We got sold out. The 1% won't sponsor a #PeoplesBailout. But we are the bailout we've been waiting for. Join us.
-- from the 'Your Inbox: Occupied' team
#RollingJubilee Social Media Campaign
- This Thursday, November 8th, help harness our global people power network by lending your voice to a massive and distributed People's Mic.
- Check http://www.rollingjubilee.org for sample text, hashtags, media, and donation information. You can also find a few choice sample tweets below:
- Thursday Nov. 8th is going to be a big social media day for #RollingJubilee. Signup at http://ow.ly/eT6fr to join our People's Mic!
- A Jubilee is a mass cancellation of debts. Want to sign up for #RollingJubilee updates? Go here: http://ow.ly/eT6fr @StrikeDebt
- In debt? You are not a loan, and you are not alone. It's time for a #PeoplesBailout http://ow.ly/eT6fr November 15th
- Start sharing at 10am, and then join us at 8:30pm for an InterOccupy call about Strike Debt and the #RollingJubilee.
Occupy Sandy Update
Following Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers rushed to find ways to help their neighbors. Many of us found that Occupy Sandy offered the quickest and most direct way to help those in need. Kitchens were up and running within hours, delivering nutritious and hot meals to the most hard hit areas. Thousands of pounds of food and clothing donations were collected and distributed to The Rockaways, Red Hook, Staten Island and Coney Island. Later in the week, the focus shifted slightly to transporting cleaning supplies and volunteers to help with the cleanup.
And the work continues. Another storm is about to hit New York, and many who have just begun to clean up flood waters from Sandy are now once again battening down the hatches and evacuating. To be a part of the continued recovery efforts, visit Occupy Sandy Relief. If you're from out of state and want to donate supplies, you can do so easily at Sandy's Wedding Registry. To help with efforts in New Jersey, visit Sandy Relief For New Jersey.
For updated information, inspiration, photos and stories, follow @occupysandy on Twitter.
Featured Articles on #OccupySandy
- Waging Nonviolence: Climate change lifts the lid off inequality in New York City
- The New Yorker: Occupy Sandy
- The Nation: Occupy Sandy Efforts Highlight Need for Solidarity Not Charity
- Slate: Is Occupy Wall Street Outperforming the Red Cross in Hurricane Relief?
- New York Magazine: Occupy Leads Relief Efforts in Powerless Red Hook
- Salon: Occupy Sandy Relief Steps Up
- Democracy Now: Flooded by Sandy, Residents of Brooklyn Community Red Hook Organize Local Effort for Urgent Relief
- Truthout.org: Community Organizers Fill a Large Gap in Superstorm Sandy Relief but It's Not Enough
Occupy these Actions and Events
Everyday, 8am-10pm
- Occupy Storefront Sandy Relief Effort
- 59 Railroad Ave Ronkonkoma NY 11779
- We are using our space as a relief point for anyone who would like to help with Sandy relief, donate items for people in need,or volunteer . Call 1-631-648-8811 or stop by.
Wednesday, November 7th, 7pm
- Counter the Shock Doctrine
- Liberty Plaza (AKA Zuccotti Park), NYC
- In the wake of Katrina, there was mass privatization and repeal of democracy. Join us Wednesday as a breakout group from the popular assembly to discuss this issue and tactics to help stop the same thing from happening following Hurricane Sandy. Please check out Naomi Klein's website on THE SHOCK DOCTRINE http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine or read the book.
Tuesday, November 13th, 7pm
- Less Wall More Street: Resisting State Oppression From the Streets to the Courts
- Bluestockings Bookstore, 132 Allen Street, NYC
- In the summer of 2012 Jen Waller and Tom Hintze, began a project to give legal trainings to activists and community groups and host conversations about state repression all around the country. Join them for a panel discussion on current and historical repression against activists and communities of color, and hear stories of creation and resistance from across the country.
Thursday, November 15th, 7pm
- The People's Bailout
- Le Poisson Rouge - 158 Bleecker Street, NYC
- Join Strike Debt for an updated version of an old classic, the telethon, to launch The Rolling Jubilee, a campaign that buys debt for pennies on the dollar and does away with it. Instead of collecting the debt, we will abolish it and help free the debtors! Special guests include Janeane Garofalo, Jeff Mangum from Neutral Milk Hotel, Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Lizz Winstead and more. 100% of ticket sales go to abolishing debt. Buy tickets at: www.lepoissonrouge.com/lpr_events/peoples-bailout/
Friday, November 16th, 8pm
- Workshop to Stop Hate Crimes
- Occupy Storefront, 59 Railroad Ave. Ronkonkama, NY
- Come join this workshop with John Schindler and Cynthya BrianKate us as we present a workshop which will cover various topics and issues related to social justice, diversity and education on topics related to anti-hate crime work and the healing of discrimination and violence.
Saturday, November 17th
- 12pm
- Day of Action to End Austerity in America
- Liberty Plaza (AKA Zuccotti Park), NYC
- Austerity is the 1% word for "Let's make cuts to all things important while we continue to fund our own destructive behaviors." We invite you, your family and friends to join us for a day of food, music, dancing, soapboxing, community. and solidarity against austerity.
- 1pm
- Earth Eviction Defense: International Day of Action Against Dirty Power
- Bryant Park, 42nd Street and 6th Avenue, NYC
- In America, the silence regarding climate change from our media and politicians is deafening. A recent report predicts that by 2030 100 million people will perish as a result of greenhouse gases. Join us on November 17th in an International Earth Eviction Defense to prevent the 1% from foreclosing on the planet. As the Kyoto Protocol expires this year, what happens at this gathering will have a long lasting impact on the future of the earth.
Friday, November 23rd
- Black Friday Strike Against WalMart
- Stay tuned for further details
- Striking Walmart workers are demanding that Walmart end retaliatory practices against employees who attempt to organize by Nov. 23, Black Friday. The historic retail worker strikes began last Friday in Los Angeles, when 60+ people walked off work, and this quickly spread across the country. No shopping in any WalMart in America on Friday, November 23rd. Actions will be coordinated in the days leading up to Black Friday. Join 99 Pickets on November 9th to help plan.
Saturday, November 24th, 12pm
- Angry Mob at Lord Blankcheck's Front Gate
- Dale Frey Plaza, in front of Trump Hotel, 15 Central Park West, NYC
- We've followed the money. We found the puppetmaster. And now we're at his front gate. We'll gather outside the front gate of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's (aka Lord Blankcheck) not-so-humble abode. Bring a FAKE pitchfork or torch and join our Toy Mob. Come prepared to make insane amounts of noise. No real pitchforks or torches, please.